smoke n. 1.烟,烟尘,烟柱;雾;水气,蒸气;尘雾。 2.没有实体[意义、现实性]的事物;空谈;空虚。 3.模糊视线的东西。 4.抽烟;香烟、雪茄烟;〔俚语〕内含大麻叶毒品的香烟。 5.烟色;暗灰色。 6.〔美俚〕劣质酒。 7.〔俚语〕铁道救火员。 8.〔俚语〕大麻(制品)。 No smoke [ There is no smoke ] without fire. 无火不生烟,无风不起浪。 a box of good smokes 〔俚语〕一盒上好雪茄烟。 have a smoke 抽一口烟。 blow smoke 〔俚语〕吸大麻毒品。 end up in smoke 烟消云散,不成功,终成泡影。 from smoke into smother 越来越坏。 go up in smoke 1. 烧尽。 2. 〔比喻〕毫无结果,化为乌有。 like (a) smoke (on fire) 〔俚语〕无阻碍地,迅速地,轻易地。 watch my smoke 〔美俚〕看我的本领,看我做得多快。 smoke and mirrors 像魔术般骗人的东西,为转移人们的注意力而故意制造的假象。 vi. 1.烟,熏;冒烟;冒水蒸气;(烟似地)袅袅上升。 2.吸烟,抽烟。 3.迅速地走(致使尘土飞扬)。 4.发火,生气 (against) 〔学生语〕脸红。 5.〔古语〕受苦,受罚。 6.〔美俚〕开枪。 7.〔俚语〕吸大麻。 vt. 1.用烟熏,熏脏,熏黑;熏走,熏死(虫等);熏制。 2.吸(烟),抽(烟),抽烟而…。 3.〔古语〕发觉;怀疑;〔美国〕查明,使说出秘密。 4.〔古语〕嘲弄,欺负,欺骗。 5.〔美俚〕开枪打,射击。 6.〔俚语〕吸(大麻毒品)。 That oil-lamp smokes badly. 那盏油灯烟冒得很厉害。 You must not smoke in this carriage. 车内不可抽烟。 smoke oneself sick 抽烟抽得不舒服。 The milk has been smoked. 牛奶带烟味儿了。 Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 仔细想想(我的话)吧。 smoke like a chimmney 烟瘾很大。 Their swords smoked with blood. 冒血腥气。
Advances in smoke inhalation ali ards 急性呼吸窘迫综合征的研究进展
Most residents who were injured suffered from smoke inhalation 很多居民因吸入太多有毒气体而住院。
Airway spasm such as dry drowning . - airway oedema such as asthma , smoke inhalation 呼吸道痉挛:如遇溺(乾溺)
South carolina coroner ' s office says a combination of smoke inhalation and burns killed the nine firefighters inside a burning furniture store in charleston 南卡罗来纳州尸检处称那九名在查尔斯顿一所家具仓库的大火中牺牲的消防员,是由于浓烟外加烧伤致死的。
Of the same accidents studied by the ntsb it was determined that 78 percent of all fatalities occurred post - impact ; almost all resulted form smoke inhalation and / or burns 其他相同的事故情况由国家交通安全委员会研究表明, 78 %的死亡是撞击后才发生的,几乎都是吸入烟尘和/或烧焦。
She initially died of smoke inhalation , according to charlier , and when she was burned a second time , her internal organs were not fully consumed by the flames . nothing was said to remain after the third cremation except her ashes 第1次施刑时,贞德就因浓烟窒息而死第2次焚烧时,她的内脏并没有被烧光而第3次焚烧之后,除了骨灰外就没剩下什么东西了。
Smoke inhalation is the primary cause of death for victims of indoor fires.